IP: community.thesentinelalliance.net:27015
This is a community only server. You are welcome to bring friends from outside this community but members have priority.
This is a heavily modded Garry’s Mod server, there are over 216 mods running on this server from the full collection of Carter’s Addons Pack (Stargate stuff) to Spacebuild 2 and fully customisable weaponry. We will occasionally switch this server to the Murder or Prophunt gamemodes, please ask a listed staff member to switch it back to sandbox if needed.
- Admin - @SentinelX101
- Admin - @c4192857
Server Statistics:
This server is running on our brand new dedicated server, codename Tower. The Tower server is based in France with excellent connections to most of Europe.
Server Workshop Collection:
You need to subscribe and download all of the mods from the following collection to be able to join this server. Yes that’s not an error there really are 216+ mods running on this server.
Extra Textures:
While not technically required if you do not have the games Half Life 2 (Episode 1 + 2) and Counter Strike (Source and Global Offensive) you will see errors in many maps and objects on this server. While we recommend purchasing the games and installing them to get the textures you can also visit the link below and download what you are missing.
^ While we have checked that most of the downloads work the link above leads to a site which is not under our control. Therefor we cannot be sure that everything there is 100% working and safe, actually purchasing the games that you are missing textures from is recommended.
How to Join:
Garry’s Mod > Find Multiplayer Game > Legacy Browser > Favorites > Add server by IP address > Enter the IP > Join